"In the shadow of conflict, see how one video became a beacon of inspiration, rallying support for Israel's frontline medical warriors at Ziv Medical Center."
In response to the heightened tensions post-October 7th, our production company joined forces with Milu-Em to spotlight the critical preparations at Medical Center’s around Israel as they escalated preparedness. This pivotal first video campaign showcases the center's rapid and dedicated professionals readying themselves for a potential second front war. The impact was immediate and profound—viewership translated directly into action, with volunteer applications surging by over 40% in the weeks following the video's release. This surge not only bolstered the hospital's capacity to manage crises but also highlighted the power of community and collective effort in times of need. Our campaign continues to draw attention and support, proving that when we stand together, we stand stronger.
Melo Air
Cisco • VoiceItt • Autofleet • Milu-Em • Melo Air •
At Apollo Productions, we are passionate about creating commercials that capture the essence of your brand and connect with your target audience. We understand that a successful commercial is more than just a 30-second spot; it's a powerful tool that can help you increase brand awareness, drive sales, and build customer loyalty.